Adult French Teaching

With our innovative and comprehensive teaching methods, adult students will have an excellent command of the essential elements of the French language for personal and professional development.

A group of adult students studying French together.

The proven way of teaching adults French

At Élan French, we offer professional and personal development training adapted to your needs. Our highly-qualified French instructors will work with you one-on-one or in small groups to help you reach your goals. Whether you're looking to expand your professional communication skills or simply brush up on your conversational French, we have a class for you.

Adult French Program

We understand that everyone has different learning skills, so we took the time to understand how people learn best. As a result, we created a 3-level Adult French Program consisting of levels A1, A2, and B1.

Our level A1 is perfect for students who can understand and use familiar and everyday French expressions and very simple French statements. Our level A2 is for students who can comprehend separate sentences and frequently used expressions. Level B1 is for students who can understand the essential points in French-speaking conversations.

By the end of our Adult French program, you will be well on becoming proficient in French, setting you apart from your peers.

Business French Program

Our Business French Program aims to equip you with useful and practical French communication skills that will help you navigate French-speaking business environments and build business relationships with French-speaking people.

The program covers various topics such as:

  • buying and/or selling in French
  • commercial French
  • French for information technology
  • French for marketing
  • French for the secretariat, and
  • French for the hotel industry and tourism.

By the end of our Business French Program, you will have a strong foundation in French communication to use the language in many professional settings confidently.

Ready to learn with Élan French?