English to French Translation Service

Communicate your message accurately and error-free to a French-speaking audience with our English to French translation and services.

The Eiffel Tower in France.

At Élan French, we offer English to French Translation services in information technology (IT), automotive and business French.

All French translation services are performed 100% by our professional translators who are fluent in both French and English. We take the time to understand the intent of your message and the French-speaking audience you seek to serve.

We also have a strict quality control process to ensure your message is translated in French accurately and error-free.

We're here to help!

If you need to translate your documents from English to French, please get in touch with us today by phone, email, or filling out our form. If you have questions or want to learn more about our English to French translation services, we are here and ready to answer them and provide you additional information.