Level A1

Adult French

Gain valuable French language skills that will set you apart from your peers when you become proficient with our Adult French program.

An adult female student smiling while learning French online.

The A1 level course is the first level of the Adult French program offered at Élan French. It is intended for students who are capable of understanding and using familiar and everyday French expressions as well as very simple French statements.

The focus of this course is on practical language with an emphasis on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Through interactive activities and conversations led by our highly-qualified instructors, students will have opportunities to practice the French language in simulated, everyday scenarios.

By the end of this program, students will be able to understand and use basic French phrases and sentences confidently in order to meet their daily needs such as asking for directions, ordering food, introducing themselves or someone, or asking simple questions and answer them.

At Élan French, the Adult French program is taught by a team of highly-qualified instructors who use innovative and comprehensive teaching methods that are proven to work in just 12 weeks of class.

With practice and guidance from our instructors, students will be well on their way to level A2 and become proficient in French that will set them apart from their peers.

Ready to learn with Élan French?