Grade SK

Academic French

With our interactive and fun Academic French program, students will get ahead in their studies, and improve their grades, test scores and language skills.

An asian elementary school girl smiling in French class.

As part of grade SK courses, students will integrate several aspects of the French language through lessons and diversified exercises. Studying in class and at home will reinforce their learning and autonomy. At the end of this program, students will have a good command of the basic elements of the French language.


  • Days of the week
  • Identify words in a series of words (vocabulary)
  • Crosswords
  • Vocabulary learning under different themes (school, home, etc.)
  • Hidden words - exercises
  • Colours
  • Emotions and feelings
  • Association of words and images
  • Observation of images


  • The French alphabet - pronunciation
  • Simple syllables
  • French phonetics
  • Syllabic decomposition
  • Learning French phonetic methodology
  • ch and sh sound
  • in, im, ein, and ain sounds
  • an, en, am, and em sounds
  • j and g sounds
  • f, ph and v sounds
  • u sound
  • il, ill, and y sounds
  • oi sound
  • t and d sounds
  • c, k, q, and qu sounds
  • n and m sounds
  • l and ll sounds
  • r and rr sounds
  • é, ai, ei, and ê sounds
  • é, ez, and er sounds
  • ain, ein, im, aim, and ym sounds
  • Simple graphemes
  • an sound
  • in sound
  • im, ein, and ain sounds
  • b and p sounds


  • Reading simple sentences
  • Weekly fluency exercise
  • Weekly reading in class and at home
  • Discriminative reading
  • Introduction to reading comprehension


  • Numbers from 1 to 100
  • Alphabetical order
  • Writing exercises & homework assignments
  • Syllable games – part 1
  • Word grouping
  • Introduction to dictation
  • Writing numbers


  • Vowels and words
  • Simple consonants
  • Articles (e.g., an, the)
  • Introduction to the notion of the verb
  • Identify the correct sentence
  • Introduction to the subject of the sentence
  • Gender of names – masculine and feminine
  • The number of the name (relating to gender of names) – singular and plural
  • The verb (words of action)
  • Introduction to personal pronouns
  • Introduction to the notion of liaison
  • Introduction to negation
  • Segmentation of syllables and sentences


  • Introduction of the PRESENT of the verbs TO BE (ÊTRE) and TO HAVE (AVOIR)
  • The present tense of verbs in -ER - 1st group
  • Introduction to verbs in -IR - second (2nd) group
  • Introduction to the Conjugation Challenge

Group exercises in class

  • Vocabulary
  • Conversation
  • Reading
  • Songs

Reading comprehension

  • Introduction to reading comprehension
  • Introduction to reading strategy
  • Introduction to the study of texts


  • Weekly reading assignments
  • Weekly writing assignments


  • Weekly French videos to watch at home (short cartoons)


  • French greetings and farewells
  • Introduction to dialogue
  • Classroom conversation activities

Ready to learn with Élan French?