Grade 9

Academic French

With our interactive and fun Academic French program, students will get ahead in their studies, and improve their grades, test scores and language skills.

A group of high school students studying French together.

As part of grade 9 courses, students will integrate several aspects of the French language through lessons and diversified exercises. Studying in class and at home will reinforce their learning and autonomy. At the end of this program, students will have a good command of the basic elements of the French language.


  • Text correction


  • The meaning of words
  • Portrait - the right word


  • Phrase complement
  • The lexical field
  • The position of the adverb
  • Complement of the pronoun-complement of the adjective
  • Table of pronoun types
  • Characteristic of subordinates
  • Syntax errors
  • Syntactic order of words and groups of words
  • Sentence without a main verb
  • Grammatical spelling and forms
  • Conjunctions
  • Simple relative pronouns – Who – What – Whose – Where
  • Coordinating conjunctions
  • Adverbs
  • The comparative and the superlative
  • The singular or plural after-no more-without
  • Grasp the nuances of words
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • The meaning of a word
  • Join two sentences into one sentence with a relative clause
  • Noun complement - prepositional GR
  • The complement of the name
  • The complement clause
  • The nature of the words
  • Grammatical spelling
  • Compound pronouns
  • The gerund
  • Grammatical analysis of a text
  • Double complement pronouns
  • Grammatical spelling
  • The functions of words and groups of words
  • Indirect complements
  • Passive voice
  • Grammatical classes
  • Logical connectors
  • Functions
  • The nature and function of a word
  • Correct a text
  • Past participle agreement
  • Incorrect use of the pronoun
  • AND and BUT coordinators
  • The value of the subordinate
  • Condition and time
  • Incomplete diet
  • Incorrect use of the pronoun and determiner
  • Conjunctions (coordination and subordination)
  • The words of coordination and subordination
  • Subordinate clauses
  • Functions
  • Adverbs
  • Adjectives


  • Find errors
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Synonyms and nuances of words


  • Imperfect - past composed

Reading comprehension

  • Introduction to reading comprehension
  • Introduction to reading strategy
  • Introduction to the study of texts


  • Text summary


  • Weekly dictation


  • Weekly reading assignments to be done in class
  • Weekly writing homework assignments


  • Weekly viewings of French videos at home (short cartoons)

Ready to learn with Élan French?