Grade 7

Academic French

With our interactive and fun Academic French program, students will get ahead in their studies, and improve their grades, test scores and language skills.

An elementary school boy smiling in French class.

As part of grade 7 courses, students will integrate several aspects of the French language through lessons and diversified exercises. Studying in class and at home will reinforce their learning and autonomy. At the end of this program, students will have a good command of the basic elements of the French language.


  • Inference
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Text correction
  • Complete the text
  • Find the place of terms extracted from a text
  • Text summary


  • Spelling corrections
  • The sound G or J
  • The gender and number of nouns
  • Homophones


  • Sentence analysis
  • Prepositions
  • Grammatical homophones
  • Grammatical classes
  • Noun groups
  • The position of the adverb
  • Identify the determinants
  • The nature of the words
  • Propositions of complex sentences
  • Agreement in name group
  • Conjunctions
  • Simple relative pronouns
  • Pronouns
  • The personal pronoun
  • The complement of the adjective
  • Identify the past participle with the verb to have
  • Pronominal verbs
  • The comparative and the superlative
  • The present participle
  • The active voice and the passive voice
  • Groups of words
  • Nominal group agreement
  • Transform verbs into nouns
  • Categories of adjectives
  • The agent complement
  • Use of pronouns
  • The nominal subject group and the infinitive subject group
  • The conjugation of sentences
  • Agreement in name group
  • From qualifying adjectives to nouns
  • From noun to adjective – from adjective to noun


  • The literal and figurative meaning of words
  • Antonyms and synonyms
  • The different meanings of a word
  • The precision of the terms
  • Word families
  • The vocabulary of feelings
  • Put the words in order
  • The expression of feelings
  • Adjectives of frequency
  • From verb to noun
  • The figurative meaning of words
  • The suffix of the words


  • The past past
  • The imperfect
  • The past tense
  • The present conditional of the indicative
  • L-Present imperative of pronominal verbs
  • Verbs in -eler and -eter
  • Simple past indicative
  • The use of the past simple
  • The present subjunctive
  • The conjugation of verbs in sentences

Reading comprehension

  • Introduction to reading comprehension
  • Introduction to reading strategy
  • Introduction to the study of texts


  • Text correction
  • Sentence building
  • Know how to write a summary
  • Summarize a text


  • Weekly dictation


  • Weekly reading assignments to be done in class
  • Weekly writing homework assignments


  • Weekly viewings of French videos at home (short cartoons)

Ready to learn with Élan French?