Grade 5

Academic French

With our interactive and fun Academic French program, students will get ahead in their studies, and improve their grades, test scores and language skills.

Elementary school students raising their hands in French class.

As part of grade 5 courses, students will integrate several aspects of the French language through lessons and diversified exercises. Studying in class and at home will reinforce their learning and autonomy. At the end of this program, students will have a good command of the basic elements of the French language.


  • Fill in the blank French sentences and texts
  • Inference exercises (level 5)


  • Grammatical homophones (multiple categories)
  • Identify spelling errors
  • Synonyms (intermediate – level 5)
  • Synonyms and opposites (level 5)
  • The feminine of qualifying adjectives (intermediate – level 5)
  • Feminine of nouns


  • CO – COD
  • Homophones
  • Grammatical classes (category of words)
  • The literal and figurative French language
  • Use of qualifying adjectives (level 5)
  • Grammatical analysis of words (nature and function)
  • The past tense and the imperfect
  • Construction of the plural of nouns and adjectives
  • Gender and number of adjectives (level 5)
  • The adverb – use and role (level 5)
  • Possessive pronouns (intermediate)
  • The present participle (use and validation)
  • Construction of adverbs of manner –MENT
  • The feminine of nouns – special cases
  • Abbreviation of word classes and functions
  • Sentence analysis
  • Déterminants (intermediate – level 5)
  • Opposite words
  • (COD) vs. (COI)
  • Grammar analysis
  • Types and functions
  • Past, present and future
  • Subject verb agreement
  • Homophones - in vs. im
  • Noun groups
  • Simple relative pronouns – Who – What – Whose – Where
  • Adjective epithet and attribute (intermediate – level 5)
  • Prepositions – De – chez – en - etc
  • Conjunctions
  • The proposition
  • The comparative and the superlative
  • Opposites and synonyms (level 5)


  • Word family
  • Antonyms and synonyms
  • The different meanings of a word
  • Opposite words
  • Words of the same family
  • Associate synonymous terms


  • The present of 3rd group verbs (level 5)
  • The imperfect tense
  • Use of the imperfect and the past tense
  • The past tense
  • The present conditional of the indicative
  • Past participles
  • Imperfect vs. past tense
  • The Present Imperative of pronominal verbs
  • Conjugation-past tense-3 groups
  • List of stative verbs
  • Stative verbs vs. action verbs
  • The past tense with to have and to be (intermediate – level 5)
  • The present and past conditional tenses
  • The present imperative tense

Reading comprehension

  • Weekly reading comprehension
  • Study of reading strategy – level 5
  • Study of texts (intermediate level)


  • Sentence structure (simple and complex)


  • Weekly dictation


  • Weekly reading assignments
  • Weekly writing assignments


  • Weekly viewing of French videos at home

Ready to learn with Élan French?