Grade 4

Academic French

With our interactive and fun Academic French program, students will get ahead in their studies, and improve their grades, test scores and language skills.

An elementary school girl studying French online in the library.

As part of grade 4 courses, students will integrate several aspects of the French language through lessons and diversified exercises. Studying in class and at home will reinforce their learning and autonomy. At the end of this program, students will have a good command of the basic elements of the French language.


  • Inferences


  • The feminine of qualifying adjectives
  • The plural of nouns EN AL, AU, EAU, EU, AIL, OU
  • Word families
  • Homophones / Homonyms


  • Possessive adjectives (determiners)
  • The subject group and the verbal group
  • Identify the subject of the sentence
  • Word classes – explanation of classes
  • Circumstantial complements
  • The complement of the name
  • What is CO-COD and COI
  • Grammatical and lexical homophones
  • Direct and indirect complement pronouns
  • Find errors in texts
  • The feminine of adjectives
  • Use of qualifying adjectives
  • The singular and plural of nouns
  • Possessive and demonstrative adjectives (determinants)
  • ‘Adjectifs Épithètes’ or attributive adjectives exercises
  • Grammatical homophones
  • Grammar analysis
  • Agreement in the noun phrase
  • Sentence analysis
  • Grammar function - attribute of the subject - the qualifying adjective (épithète)
  • Verb analysis
  • Homophones- in – in
  • Interrogative pronouns
  • Prepositions – De – chez – en – etc.
  • Auxiliary signs
  • Coordinating conjunctions
  • The interrogative sentence
  • Nominal group (GN) expansions


  • Words of the same family


  • Imperfect indicative
  • The present indicative of irregular verbs
  • The present conditional of the indicative
  • The past tense
  • Verbs used with TO BE - DR MRS VANDERTRAMP (compound tenses)
  • The past tense with the auxiliary ETRE
  • The past - the present and the future of verbs

Reading comprehension

  • Weekly reading comprehension
  • Reading strategy (level 4)
  • Study of texts (level 4)


  • Weekly dictation


  • Weekly reading assignments
  • Weekly writing assignments (various themes)


  • Weekly viewing of French videos at home (short videos)

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